Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Family Tree Will Go On?

The family Tree Will Go On? Or not? Caroline, our Fire Wizard101, level 38, just tied with Autumn, has been continuing the family ever since. Caroline always risked her life to save her Family tree, and her only wish was to be GrandMaster and lead her family. But since her membership stoped, there could be a time where a credit card comes, but then can't do membership on that account again. Unless its a card. Then yeah lol. But I still might not. Caroline got married and had a baby Fire Wizard, who I know one day will be GrandMaster. And the membership will go to them. :)

Do you think the Rumor is true?

The rumor is up to you to believe! Will you believe it? Or will you naw through carrots? On a website I've been to, I saw the list of some great Mmo's and Wizard101 was one of them! Awesome huh!? But what I saw kinda bothered me. The sign said great games come from memberships, games without membership suck. Do you believe that? That also reminds me of Wizard101 Membership. I'm guessing the site could only include games with Membership only. Sometimes I wish Wizard101 never had membership, so Wizard101 would earn more money, so my friends could play. The only reason why my friends can't play, is because their parents never allow them to play games with membership. And they all live near me, so they can't get a card either. Sigh! I hope Wizard101 reads this. Because I have a ton of friends who are upset.

Technical Difficulties *Please Read*

Apparently I am not the Administor, even though I am on the Admin's account. I am a worker of the Admin. The Admin has been on a vacation, until Friday afternoon she will return, but I will still post the latest things, but I cannot change the way the website is. Very sorry, the Admin has locked the Files, and I know I wouldn't dare touch them without Permission. The Admin is also too busy to answer phone calls. Thank you for understanding, the site will still go on.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Schools by order, Spirals by boring.

Fire: Awesome! 
Ice: Cooler!   
Storm: Um, okay?
Myth: Its okay..
Life: Eh, weak!
Balance: Its okay with me.
Death: Cool dude.
Wizard City: That where we start baby! Yeah!
Krokatopia: Yeah! Awesome!
Marleybone: Its okay..
MooShu: Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
DragonSpyre: Woot! Woot! Best of the best
Soon to come Celestia: Eh! Shut up and go!

What? Design? Changed? Where's the logo?

Where's the logo? Well we had a few people wondering today in email. We changed it just today when I logged in the morning. For your information guys, I change the picture everyday, and this is a doodle of Merle today with a Gobbler. It's kinda small right? But I'll change it to cooler ones, but just saying tomorrow probably isn't the best doodle. XD! I got the doodles and stuff from the Wizard101 Kit. Just google Wizard101 FanSite, and then go to the bottom of the page once you click on the first link, then click to download the kit, and make sure you save the kit somewhere! It's really important and helpful!

What do you expect us to do Wizard101? -Wizard101FanIceX

Wizard101FanIceX has replied to us! And I have agreed with her post and I shall post her reply to Wizard101. How do you expect us to play Wizard101 after we're level 9 Wizard101? Hmm? What do we do next? We got no Credit Card and live far from the U.S. I guess I should quit now, hmm? Wizard101 is a nice game but membership is a bummer. I think we should get rid of the membership and millions more would join, Wizard101 deserves better things then Membership. -Wizard101FanIceX
I do agree with this post, and Wizard101 also has billing problems so just get rid of this stuff so you can free some space and add extra players? I mean I ask friends to join and 1 week later: "Hey Annie did you play Wizard101?" "Yeah." "Are you having fun?" "I'm level 9 Life now. I quit yesterday, I have to be a member, we got no credit cards." And Wizard101, you ignore it right? "Oh yeah well lemme just ignore there are already members. :P" Not funny. Not amusing. Stop it. "Ya! Well members end membership too loser." Hundreds of people quit due to this fact, even search people quiting Wizard101. You'll find some stuff, or are you too lazy and don't believe a word I say? Here's a song that suits Wizard101! Go to this site please:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxR2p88_btw Oh and listen to the full song will you? That tells you EVERYTHING about Wizard101. Thank you Michael, RIP.

What do you think about Celestia Passes and Membership? Credit Card Post

Are you sick and tired of Membership? Will your mom and dad never give you membership? Or are you worried about what happens when your membership ends so you don't get it? No credit card, and you don't live in the USA? Well Wizard101's gonna change with our opinions! Because membership is not cool and millions of Wizards quit Wizard101, and I guess Wizard101 just wants money, like all games and thats a problem. If we get enough votes and people, we can create a video and send it to Wizard101, and they might change Membership. If we all get together, we can change Wizard101, just a few hundred can make a difference. My membership ended because my mom filled her credit card up and we already have bills and she can't make a new Master Card. Yet it would still make no difference if we could use different credit cards! Like SocialBank ones! There is no reason to play Wizard101 if you dont pay for membership, so lots and lots of people quit out because of this problem. Wizard101 doesn't even know what I know! They call Wizard101 bad words and stuff, and you know what, sometimes even the members do, and sometimes I agree with that. You already have money, why ask for more you greedy people? You already get enough money because people join, so just shush up. Take membership off and millions more will join. Even World Of Warcrafts better then Wizard101! If you want to beat World of Warcraft you better take my advice Wizard101, because I'm warning you. And dont even say I didnt. Thats why you dont have that much players. Its not a lot for 11 million. World Of Warcraft has like 20million last year and now 40 Million and they even sent the game to Canada Brantford! Thats where MILLIONS of players live!! Even my best friend quit  because of you!!! Whats your problem!!