Sunday, September 26, 2010

What do you expect us to do Wizard101? -Wizard101FanIceX

Wizard101FanIceX has replied to us! And I have agreed with her post and I shall post her reply to Wizard101. How do you expect us to play Wizard101 after we're level 9 Wizard101? Hmm? What do we do next? We got no Credit Card and live far from the U.S. I guess I should quit now, hmm? Wizard101 is a nice game but membership is a bummer. I think we should get rid of the membership and millions more would join, Wizard101 deserves better things then Membership. -Wizard101FanIceX
I do agree with this post, and Wizard101 also has billing problems so just get rid of this stuff so you can free some space and add extra players? I mean I ask friends to join and 1 week later: "Hey Annie did you play Wizard101?" "Yeah." "Are you having fun?" "I'm level 9 Life now. I quit yesterday, I have to be a member, we got no credit cards." And Wizard101, you ignore it right? "Oh yeah well lemme just ignore there are already members. :P" Not funny. Not amusing. Stop it. "Ya! Well members end membership too loser." Hundreds of people quit due to this fact, even search people quiting Wizard101. You'll find some stuff, or are you too lazy and don't believe a word I say? Here's a song that suits Wizard101! Go to this site please: Oh and listen to the full song will you? That tells you EVERYTHING about Wizard101. Thank you Michael, RIP.

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